Government Affairs
WSG will assist you in developing a government affairs program that maximizes your organizational potential. We will prepare you to be an effective voice where it matters, so that your policy agenda will make an impact. All of our services are tailored to your needs.
Direct Policymaker Engagement: We organize and participate in direct meetings with policymakers on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch. Following such meetings, we draft reports for you that include precision analysis of the meeting, its impact, and recommended next steps.
Legislative Tracking: We monitor legislation and Congressional activities relevant to your work so that you can focus on moving your agenda forward. We engage the Members of Congress who are currently focused on the policy issues affecting you, draft analytic memos for you on the status of these issues, and advise you on the legislative language best suited to address your concerns.
Advocacy Campaign Management: We directly engage stakeholders – such as non-profits, corporations, think tanks, and the media – who are also involved in impacting your agenda. We help you manage outreach to these stakeholders in order to foster multi-organizational activity, customized to your unique objectives.
Lobby Days: We create lobbying events for you on Capitol Hill, including organizing your roster of Congressional speakers and in-person Member meetings. We train you on how to lobby Congress effectively and furnish you with the cutting edge materials that will get the job done.
Congressional Witness Preparation: We prepare you to be a successful Congressional witness, preparing both your oral and written testimony. We engage Congressional Committee staff in preparation of your hearing, as well as coach you directly on how to perform successfully in front of Congress.